1. September 2020
Erster Kontakt nach Malta!
Anlass: Das Foto vom zerstörten PKW der Journalistin Daphne Caruana Galizia -
ein Foto, das um die Welt gegangen ist. Gemacht hat es der Fotograf Rene Rossignaud.
Am Spätnachmittag des 16. Oktober 2017 war auch Rene Rossignaud am Unfallort.
Ich fand, dass dieses Foto auf unsere Homepage sollte. Unbedingt!
Also habe ich Rene Rossignaud, der auf Malta eine Fotoagentur betreibt, angeschrieben.
Die Antwort postwendend - ein herzlicher Kontakt ist zustandegekommen.
On 01 Sep 2020, at 13:50, info@georgbeck.de wrote:
Dear Mr Rossignaud,
we are a team of musicians, actors, composers - and we are planning a play, which will also deal with the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia. The play is called: The Silence of the Dafne - Das Schweigen der Dafne We would like to use your photo of the car wreck for the website of the play.
Would you make it available to us?
Could you give us a good price for it? Please consider: It is a non-commercial project we are planning. We are interested in the memory of this crime.
With kind regards
Georg Beck
Ansbacher Str. 32
D-40597 Düsseldorf
Am 01.09.2020 um 13:58 schrieb Rene Rossignaud:
Good afternoon George,
Thanks for your email, Daphne was my friend and an old boss of mine, so you can obviously have this image for free.
Please credit me anywhere the image will be used - Image Rene Rossignaud
Do you need high resolution ?
Good day
On 01 Sep 2020, at 14:14, info@georgbeck.de wrote:
Dear Rene, quite wonderful! Yes, please - high resolution would certainly be very good. From today on we count you among the sponsors of our project! Thank you very much! The fate of Daphne moves us all! We will keep you up to date! Cordially, George
Am 01.09.2020 um 14:25 schrieb Rene Rossignaud:
Count me in for anything Daphne related :)
I have just sent you 3 high resolution images via we transfer, you need to click download on the link I sent you.
Have a good day, and please do ask if you need anything else.
On 01 Sep 2020, at 14:49, info@georgbeck.de wrote:
That's how we're gonna do it, Rene!
Once again: thank you very much for your support!
Am 01.09.2020 um 15:48 schrieb Rene Rossignaud:
Most welcome mate
Rene Rossignaud
Sent from my iPhone
On 01 Sep 2020, at 22:09, info@georgbeck.de wrote:
Dear Rene, our email correspondence today was very good - and triggered a lot! On our Dafne-Homepage your photo of Daphne's murder should have a prominent place. And I also want to document our correspondence. I would like to have a photo of you Rene, yes? Would you agree? It should be above the correspondence we had today. Cordially, George
Am 01.09.2020 um 22:31 schrieb Rene Rossignaud:
Dear Georg,
I don’t see any problem with that, please choose the most appropriate image from my site, see the me folder in www.rossignaud.com
It hurt me so much to see Daphne killed in that way, I am ashamed of this country and its corruption :(
On 02 Sep 2020, at 11:08, info@georgbeck.de wrote:
Thanks, Rene!
To have lost a colleague like that - yes, that can only fill you with pain.
What remains to be done? The most important thing, I think: the trial must be conducted. Everything must be brought to light. Only in this way can we have what the people at her grave demanded: Iustitia for Daphne Caruana Galizia!
But - what are the chances that this will happen?
Am 02.09.2020 um 13:05 schrieb Rene Rossignaud:
The ongoing trail is a bit of a farce at the moment, were everyone is blaming everyone but themselves!
I have a bit of faith the truth will come out since we have the FBI and Interpol involved :)
Fingers crossed!
On 02 Sep 2020, at 14:51, info@georgbeck.de wrote:
Daumen drücken! in German. - Yes, Rene, it is indeed the case that we are following this trail with great interest.
By the way: We are planning our play with a "Daphne Lecture" in advance. A kind of link to reality to remind us: Hey, there's a world out there and it's pretty uncomfortable. Then comes the play - and that takes us into another world ... (more of this soon - when our Dafne website goes online)
Cordially, George
Am 02.09.2020 um 18:57 schrieb Rene Rossignaud:
I will be very happy to share any links you will send me on my social pages mate:)
And I will share with her sisters too!